🧧️FBH 4988💝
1 X 70cl 💯100% Hennessy X.O.
100% Pure Hennessy X.O.
1 X 750ml 100%进口红酒
100% Imported Gossips Red Wine
1 X 100g 精选Super🐦燕盏
Premium Super Bird's Nest
1 X 8pcs 🐛冬虫夏草
1 X 28pcs 100%正日本干贝
100%Japan Scallops
1 X 37.5g 原尾老山泡参粒
America Ginseng
1 X 10pcs 精选纹秃参
Sea Cucumber
1 X 2Roots 野山池底参
Wild Ginseng
3 X 425g 野生鲍鱼
Braised Premium Abalone
1 X 425g 红烧鲍鱼
Braised Premium Abalone
1 X 425g 清汤鲍鱼
Premium Abalone
6 X 70ml 浓缩冬虫夏草鸡精
Essence Of Chicken With Cordyceps
3 X 150ml 100%浓缩泡参冰糖🐦燕窝
Bird's Nest With American Ginseng, Rock Sugar
FBH 4988, 2022 新年礼篮
RM 4,988.00Harga